Meet Eren Dinkçi, a rising star in the world of FIFA, proudly holding the FC25 Dinkçi card rated at a solid 76. Standing tall at 188cm (or 6'2"), this right-footed midfielder from Germany is currently making waves at SC Freiburg in the Bundesliga. Eren's gameplay combines finesse and flair, showcased by his impressive 4-star skill moves, though he has a manageable 3-star weak foot to balance it out. While he may not have a real face in-game, his impact on the pitch speaks volumes. With a record of 3,459 games played, he boasts a goals-per-game (GPG) average of 0.257, confirming his ability to contribute offensively. He's made a noteworthy impression with 295 games and a GPG of 0.163, proving his versatility as a midfielder. Eren also possesses a special card rated at 76, which fans of the game have been quick to recognize. For players looking to optimize his performance, the Basic chemistry style works best for enhancing his skills. Born on December 13, 2001, Eren Dinkçi is just 23 years old, and he's already a promising talent to watch. Currently, you can find his FC25 Dinkçi card priced at 5,600 on PlayStation and Xbox, and 3,700 on PC in FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT). Don't miss out on adding this dynamic midfielder to your squad!